Tonia Morgan

Company: Command
Job title: Global Director of TA Navy Exchange Service
Discover: Re-Branding to Recruit Next-Gen Talent 1:40 pm
How can we encourage younger people to choose to work in our stores? Re-invent how they perceive working in retail through re-branding How NEXCOM strategically transformed its recruitment approach by centering on customer-centric targets, narrative-driven engagement, and targeted audience cultivation, thereby fortifying its candidate reservoirsRead more
day: Day One
Develop: How Else are Top Retailers Re-Energizing Their Brand? 2:10 pm
Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Focus Day Chair As it becomes ever more important about how you market for talent, retailers must find adopt an efficient l marketing strategy. Rather than passively advertising for jobs, retailers need to market their successes in order to differentiate themselves in a highly competitive retail market to…Read more
day: Day One