Jessica Joseph

Company: Walmart
Job title: Senior Manager of Strategic Talent Sourcing
Discover: Limiting Candidate Waste Using Technology 11:50 am
Use technology to improve the way you are utilizing your candidates Make use of centralized CRM and ATS system that can aid strategy for sourcing unsuccessful candidates How Walmart are utilizing a new CRM combined ATS system that allows them to screen unsuccessful candidates for different skills, allowing them to limit candidate waste and recruit…Read more
day: Day Two
Develop: How Else Can You Utilize Technology to Aid the Recruiting Process? 12:10 pm
Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Focus Day ChairRead more
day: Day Two
Increasing Inclusivity in Your Outreach & Screening Processes to Create a Diverse Retail Workforce 11:00 am
Ensure you are being inclusive in our outreach What diverse talent pools are you sourcing from? How to modify your recruitment processes to minimize bias and increase objectivityRead more
day: Day One