8:00 am Registration & Networking

8:45 am What it Takes to Make a LEAP a Reality

8:50 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Building Internal Staffing Agencies for Your Store to Cut Costs & Create Efficiencies

9:00 am Discover: Creating a TA Department in Your Retailer that is Independent from HR to Boost Innovation

  • Megan Prather Senior Manager of Field Talent Acquisition-DFW & LA Regions, RaceTrac


  • How to increase creativity and functionality of your TA team
  • Create an independent TA team separate from HR
  • How RaceTrac are creating an independent HR team to give them full creative control of the TA strategy

9:20 am Discover: Building an Internal Sourcing Team to Alleviate Seasonal Demand Shifts

  • Kristy Jordan Assistant Vice President, Talent Acquisition, CarMax


  • How can we ensure our sources can focus solely on building and nurturing pipelines?
  • Create an internal sourcing team that partners with a recruiter
  • How CarMax are building a robust internal sourcing team that partners with recruiters so that staff do not get pulled into being ’full time recruiters’ when seasonal demand goes up

9:40 am Develop: How Can You Build Talent Teams in the Face of Tight Budget Restrictions?

  • Megan Prather Senior Manager of Field Talent Acquisition-DFW & LA Regions, RaceTrac
  • Kristy Jordan Assistant Vice President, Talent Acquisition, CarMax


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Focus Day Chair

Face TAs problems head on by addressing questions such as:

  • How can we build our own executive search team to save hundreds of thousands a year? 
  • How can we upskill and utilize our own employees to work in different departments? 

10:00 am Action: What Can You Do to Increase Efficiencies & Innovation in Your Retail TA Team?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

10:20 am Speed Networking Break

11:00 am Increasing Inclusivity in Your Outreach & Screening Processes to Create a Diverse Retail Workforce


  • Ensure you are being inclusive in our outreach
  • What diverse talent pools are you sourcing from?
  • How to modify your recruitment processes to minimize bias and increase objectivity

12:00 pm Networking Lunch

Re-Energizing Your Recruiters to Deliver on Business Demands

1:00 pm Fireside Chat: Elevate Your Recruitment Strategy to Deliver on Business Demands


Staff your shop floor to seasonal demands

  • Handling mass volume hiring
  • How to ensure you are hiring the right people
  • Re-energize your recruiting strategy with key takeaways from our expert recruiter

Discover how to:

  • Staff your shop floor to seasonal demands – Handle Mass volume hiring with a breeze
  • Ensure that you are identifying & hiring the quality candidates

Optimizing Customer-Centric Employer Branding to Attract Top Retail Talent

1:20 pm Discover: Re-Invigorating Your Brand to Create Social Media Authenticity


  • Attract the right talent, and change your perception of your brands relevancy as you evolve as a company
  • Rebrand and invigorate your recruitment marketing strategy
  • How JCPenney have created a new marketing model from a deep dive into current strategy successes and shortfalls. Utilizing this data and pivoting where you don’t see success, alongside consistent posting, leveraging existing employee personas for ‘employee generated content’ to attract the ‘right candidate’

1:40 pm Discover: Re-Branding to Recruit Next-Gen Talent

  • Tonia Morgan Global Director of TA Navy Exchange Service, Command


  • How can we encourage younger people to choose to work in our stores?
  • Re-invent how they perceive working in retail through re-branding
  • How NEXCOM strategically transformed its recruitment approach by centering on customer-centric targets, narrative-driven engagement, and targeted audience cultivation, thereby fortifying its candidate reservoirs

2:10 pm Develop: How Else are Top Retailers Re-Energizing Their Brand?


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Focus Day Chair

As it becomes ever more important about how you market for talent, retailers must find adopt an efficient l marketing strategy. Rather than passively advertising for jobs, retailers need to market their successes in order to differentiate themselves in a highly competitive retail market to gain the best talent. Use this session to discover the important details of JCPenneys incredible branding turnaround

2:20 pm Action: How Are You Going to Add Excitement to Your Store Recruitment Branding Strategy?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

On your tables discover each others successes and pitfalls, starting with the following questions: 

  • How can we utilize social media marketing for talent?
  • What ways can we switch our marketing perspective from advertising position openings to celebrating the wins of new hires – even at the lowest level.  
  • How are we communicating our distinct culture to potential applicants?

3:00 pm Networking Break

Revolutionizing the DE&I Strategy to Positively Impact Hiring Culture, from Warehouse to Head Office

4:20 pm Action: How Are You Diversifying Your Retail Workforce?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

4:40 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks